Saturday, 31 March 2018

Perfect Amino “The Science” Understanding Amino Acid Utilisation From FX

As published in an International medical journal in 1998, a comprehensive and conclusive study investigated the most effective pattern of dietary essential amino acids in order to achieve maximum metabolic utilization. This study identified the precise net nitrogen utilization (known here as Amino Acid Utilization or AAU) of various dietary proteins, which measures how much of a protein is actually absorbed and used by the body. This study also established a pattern of the essential amino acids that can be fully utilized for protein synthesis with minimal, nitrogen waste. This ultimately results in maximum efficiency for protein synthesis and reducing the toxic load on the body’s elimination pathways.

fx supplements

The study was a comparative study and determined the percentage of amino acid utilization (also known as net nitrogen utilization. It was conducted on 66 subjects, over a 12-week period, where they were alternately given a specific amino acid formula as compared to amino acid formulas based on other dietary proteins such as eggs.

This study showed a considerable amount of nitrogen waste from the dietary proteins, and confirmed the discovery of a unique pattern of essential amino acids (PA) for human nutrition, capable of inducing an Amino Acid Utilization (AAU) that was extremely effective.

The authors of the study chose a participant group that was comprised of 66 healthy people, half men, half women.   Average age was 27 and they were all in good health, between 27 and 40 years old and were not underweight, pregnant or lactating or had chronic diseases.   These 33 men and 33 women were randomly arranged into 3 groups of 11 men and 11 women, in groups 1, 2 and 3.

Over the next 114 days, in double-blind conditions, with a triple crossover technique, the subjects were given the various amino acid combinations in different sequences.   First, their protein and energy metabolism was equalized and stabilized with a uniform diet to avoid metabolism differences. Then over the next 84 days, their nitrogen balances were assessed and determined.

After carefully monitoring and controlling the nutrition intake and then measuring the nitrogen output in the subject’s urine, fecal matter and dermal loss, a net nitrogen balance was calculated. This figure reveals how much of the dietary protein was utilized by the body.

Because the methodology of the nitrogen balance is only valid when carried out in an accurate manner, numerous precautions were taken to ensure the data was valid. All told, this study used 8 separate actions, as outlined in the study’s methodology.


The paper further goes on to elaborate on how to determine the paths that the protein can take in the body.   When a protein is digested (enzymatically hydrolyzed during the digestive tract), its constituent amino acids are released and absorbed in the small intestine. From here they will either follow one of the two metabolic pathways:

  1. Anabolic pathway , in which the amino acids act as precursors of body protein synthesis (primary function of amino acids) without providing either energy nor nitrogen catabolites.
  2. Catabolic pathway , in which the amino acids are deaminated, which means that their amino groups (NH2) are separated from their carboxylic groups (COOH) providing energy and originating energy and nitrogen catabolites (secondary function of amino acids).

Over each of the corresponding four-week periods of the study, the urine and feces of each subject was collected daily to determine the nitrogen content. A specific calculation was also made to determine any nitrogen output through the skin, since it is a minor pathway of detoxification.

Compiling this information with the positive or negative nitrogen balance, the Amino Acid Utilization was then calculated, which is described in detail in the study’s methodology.

The results of this study showed that the lowest nitrogen output belonged to the newly found unique pattern of essential amino acids (PA)
 The nitrogen output of the subjects while receiving PA was extremely low, indicating a high best  in comparison to the other diets.

During the intake of PA, there were no side effects, nor any adverse effects on blood parameters.

The conclusion of this study, confirmed that the formula now in PA, is the ideal amino acid formula for human nutrition.   This formula is the only one that can give the body an Amino Acid Utilization (AAU) of 99%, meaning that 99% gets utilized by the body to build or repair body proteins and that only 1% generated energy and nitrogen catabolites.   It also found that this formula provided less than half of a calorie per gram of amino acids.

From this information to hand, the authors concluded that this formula can be highly beneficial in the dietary treatment of people with:

  1. Protein-Energy Malnutrition
  2. Anorexia
  3. Bulimia
  4. Renal insufficiency
  5. Hepatic insufficiency
  6. Anemia due to an insufficient erythropoiesis
  7. Lack of appetite
  8. Vomiting
  9. Uncontrollable diarrhea
  10. Excessive catabolism
  11. Obesity

More on Amino Acid Utilization, a further explanation and elaboration:

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Access to reliable sources of high-quality amino acids and protein is therefore critical to a healthy diet. They permit the growth and maintenance of the 25,000+ proteins encoded within the human genome, as well as other nitrogenous compounds, which together comprise the body’s complex system of structural and functional elements that exchange nitrogen with the environment. In brief, amino acids are the foundation of our physical bodies.

While over 200 amino acids have been described in the literature, only 20 are known to take part in protein synthesis, and thus are called proteinogenic. In nature, all 20 of these amino acids did not appear all at once in our evolution; some of them showed up early while others were added to the genetic code later.

As mentioned, proteinogenic amino acids are used by the body to make protein. For human adults, the following eight amino acids must be obtained via dietary means and, thus, are classified as essential: isoleucine, leucine, lysine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine; histidine is only essential for infants as it is produced by adults. The essential amino acids support and maintain the body’s enzymatic, hormonal, muscular and skeletal systems.

Amino acids are processed by the body via one of two pathways: anabolism— or constructive metabolism, the synthesis of more complex substances from simpler ones—or catabolism— destructive metabolism, the breakdown of more complex substances into simpler ones for energy demands.

When amino acids follow the anabolic pathway they act as precursors of body protein synthesis and form the body’s constituent proteins, which is their main function. In this pathway, no nitrogen catabolites (or metabolic waste) are released. When amino acids follow the catabolic pathway they are deaminated (an amino acid group is removed) and used as energy. In this process they cannot build protein and nitrogen waste is released.

Dietary protein, amino acid requirements and nitrogen balance

Models for dietary protein requirements are centered around the needs of the organism – known as metabolic demands – and the nutritional inputs that will meet those needs – known as efficiency of utilization. The metabolic demand is a measure of our metabolic pathways that consume amino acids. The dietary requirement is the level of protein or amino acids that must be supplied via nutrition in order to meet the metabolic demand and achieve nitrogen equilibrium.

This requirement will typically be greater than the metabolic demand due to factors that affect the efficiency of protein use or net protein utilization. These factors in turn influence the digestibility, the consequent amount of dietary nitrogen lost in feces, and the cellular bioavailability of absorbed amino acids in reference to what the body needs. In short, the dietary requirement compensates for the metabolic inefficiency.

As the intake of protein, amino acids and nitrogen increases, there is a level of consumption that must be met in order for nitrogen balance to be achieved, which is defined as the minimum protein requirement. If the pattern of amino acids consumed is not an exact match to metabolic demands, then nitrogen losses will include nitrogen from amino acids that exceed demand.

How much of each amino acid the body needs varies according to multiple factors, including: body composition, diet, environmental stressors, pathological stressors, physical activity, physiological state, programmed metabolic capacity and sex.

Optimal dietary provision of protein, amino acids and nitrogen to satisfy basal requirements in any individual will only occur when demands are first met for energy and all other nutrients needed for normal cellular and tissue functions. Amino acid metabolism is critically dependent on the amount and quality of food consumed.

Many factors, as noted, affect how well the body metabolizes and utilizes amino acids consumed as part of our diet. High levels of protein intake by athletes, for example, may increase the oxidation of amino acids and, thus, the need for more amino acids.

Smoking and alcohol consumption, too, can each affect demand for increased amino acid consumption, partly since detoxification and excretion of these, and other, chemical agents and xenobiotics can place greater demands on amino acid metabolism. Some medications—for example, acetaminophen—consume amino acids during their detoxification process.

The optimal amino acid profile

In over three decades of research, nutritional science has found is that all living things have a specific composition of amino acids that allows them to achieve maximum protein synthesis. In order for this to take place, however, all eight essential amino acids must be present at the same time and in the exact specific amino acid composition for that organism.

Only then, if there are the eight essential amino acids in the correct reciprocal relationship, the body can build proteins in an optimal manner. In other cases, amino acid utilization (AAU) decreases and, conversely, the load of substances derived from the breakdown of nitrogen (ammonia) increases, which must then be eliminated via the organs of degradation (liver, kidneys). The degradation of amino acids that cannot be used for the synthesis of body proteins yields toxic nitrogen catabolites.

The greater the difference between the optimal ratio and the actual amino acid composition consumed, the lower the protein value, or the net assimilation of the nitrogen of a source of dietary protein.

In essence, AAU has more to do with utilization than efficacy. For example, if one were to consume 10 grams of protein from chicken one would urinate out 6.8 grams of nitrogen, indicating that 68 percent was not utilized for body protein.

PerfectAmino  by BodyHealth reaches the highest nutritional value of protein, with a 99% AAU, which signifies that nearly all the amino acids can be used for the synthesis of proteins and, therefore, for cytogenesis (anabolic activity) by the body.

PerfectAmino has virtually no calories because the metabolic degradation of 1% can produce only 1% glucose. People who must maintain a low-carbohydrate regimen can greatly reduce the amount of substances containing glucose, replacing protein food with this amino acid blend.

In addition to athletes, many individuals are often deficient in protein, especially vegans. It is often overlooked that amino acids, together with the good fats, are the main producers of hormones, and a hormonal unbalance is very often connected to low quality protein.

Regarding protein, only 18% or less of whey and soy protein is utilized by the body with 83% leaving as waste. Protein from such sources as meat, fish and poultry are absorbed at 32%, with 68% wasted. Eggs are utilized at 48%, with 52% converted to waste.

As noted, PerfectAmino is 99% utilized by the body, leaving only 1% as waste. In addition, this formula does not require catalytic enzymes and is available for body use in blood very quickly.

Active individuals often require higher doses of amino acid supplements, such as PerfectAmino, to provide their bodies adequate building blocks for protein synthesis—critical for healing, muscle recovery and stamina.


NOTE: This is an informational webpage regarding this subject and references the 1998 European study that was not, however, conducted or written by the authors of this webpage.



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Bilsborough S, Mann N. A review of issues of dietary protein intake in humans. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2006;16(2):129-152.

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Kerksick CM, Rasmussen CJ, Lancaster SL, et al. The effects of protein and amino acid supplementation on performance and training adaptations during ten weeks of resistance training. J Strength Cond Res. 2006;20(3):643-653.

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Pasiakos SM. Exercise and amino acid anabolic cell signaling and the regulation of skeletal muscle mass. Nutrients. 4(7):740-758.

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Sunday, 4 March 2018

Now there’s a simple, effective and scientific way to reduce your pain and inflammation.

Inflam-Arrest is formulated to provide healthy support for the body’s response to inflammation. Research has shown that inflammation is the root cause of many underlying health concerns.

Inflam-Arrest is a proprietary formulation of certified organic Turmeric, Ginger, and wild-crafted Boswellia extra. It features NuSorb™, a patent-pending technology for enhanced bioavailability.

Healthy (acute) inflammation is physiologically a good thing, doing such important tasks as healing cuts, wounds or burns and protecting parts of the body that have been injured. It involves cells, such as macrophages, cytokines, such as interleukin, and other factors.

Unhealthy (chronic) inflammation, however—for example swelling, skin reactions and allergies that won’t quit—is unfortunately at the core of many conditions that are also marked by high levels of free radicals, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (NOS), which can lead to DNA damage to our cells, tissues and organs.

Inflam-Arrest is an all-natural, certified organic and wildcrafted proprietary blend of botanical extracts formulated to provide relief and natural support without the unwanted side effects commonly associated with OTC medications for pain and inflammation.

NuSorb Technology: Many herbal extracts are poorly absorbed. This product’s turmeric extract has been shown in a study to have 5-fold greater bio-availability than turmeric extract alone. Each of the three primary active ingredients in Inflam-Arrest utilizes NuSorb technology.

Certified Organic Turmeric is composed of several active compounds, known as curcuminoids, of which curcumin is the best known. Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to fight free radicals which damage our DNA and cause inflammation. Turmeric has also been shown to provide a healthy response to overall body and joint inflammation, as well as to provide cognitive function support. The Turmeric in BodyHealthInflam-Arrest is grown without pesticides and is standardized to 95% pure curcuminoids using a gentle, chemical-free extraction process, unlike most other turmeric extracts which require chemical solvent extraction.

Boswellia Serrata is a gum resin extracted from a special tree. The Boswellia extract in BodyHealthInflam-Arrest is wildcrafted (grown in the wild without harsh chemicals) and extracted using a gentle method without harsh chemicals. The active compounds, known as boswellic acids, are believed to inhibit a pro-inflammatory enzyme called 5-Lipoxygenase. The quenching of this enzyme helps provide a healthy response to inflammation and enhanced mobility.

Ginger extract is another one of nature’s potent ingredients found in BodyHealthInflam-Arrest. Ginger has been used historically to support comfort and reduce discomfort associated with a variety of conditions, including tummy upset and healthy blood sugar levels, in addition to inflammatory concerns such as muscle aches and stiffness. This product’s ginger is certified organic, grown without pesticides and extracted using gentle methods.

Scientific research of Inflammarrest ingredients:

Curcumin is the yellow pigment associated with the curry spice, turmeric, and to a lesser extent ginger. It is a small molecule that is the prototypical ‘curcuminoid’, and has effects similar to other polyphenols but unique in a way as it is a different class of polyphenol.

Other areas of interest as it pertains to curcumin are alleviating cognitive decline associated with aging, being heart healthy by both electrical means and reducing lipid and plaque levels in arteries, and both reducing the risk of diabetes and being a good treatment for the side-effects associated with diabetes.

According to Chainani-Wu et al (2012) There appears to be a decrease in disease states or conditions characterized by inflammation associated with curcumin ingestion, it does not appear to be too discriminatory in which inflammatory states it benefits.

In another study by Agarwal et al (2011) there appears to be a decrease in pain associated with curcumin at higher doses (400-500mg) which extend to post-operative, arthritic, and general pain symptoms. This does seem comparable to 2g acetaminophen in potency.

Curcumin is associated with reducing a variety of inflammatory signals, and a lot of them that are associated with arthritis and inflammatory joints.


Boswellia Serrata is a gum resin extracted from a tree, which is sometimes burnt (the entire species of Boswellia is commonly known as Frankinsence) as an aromatic or otherwise administered as medicine.

Boswellia Serrata, via its active boswellic acids, appears to be a novel inhibitory of a pro-inflammatory enzyme called 5-Lipoxygenase and may possess other anti-inflammatory effects (such as nF-kB inhibition, which are not as novel). These anti-inflammatory effects have been investigated for their benefits in osteoarthritis (OA), and it appears that oral Boswellia supplements can suppress pain and immobility associated with OA quite significantly with the effects taking as little as a week to occur.

According to Sengupta et al (2008) The reduction observed with Boswellia serrata for pain and other symptoms of osteoarthritis are more profound than other supplements including that of glucosamine.


Used in Asian medicine for centuries, ginger has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties similar to ibuprofen and COX-2 inhibitors such as celecoxib (Celebrex). Ginger also suppresses leukotrienes (inflammatory molecules) and switch off certain inflammatory genes, potentially making it more effective than conventional pain relievers. Ginger also reduces nausea and vomiting and is a proven treatment for motion sickness and chemotherapy-induced nausea.

A study by Zahmatkash and Vafaeenasab (2011) found ginger may reduce inflammation in clients with osteoporosis.

Reference List

High-dose curcuminoids are efficacious in the reduction in symptoms and signs of oral lichen planus.

Chainani-Wu N1Madden ELozada-Nur FSilverman S Jr.

  • Surg Endosc.2011 Dec;25(12):3805-10. doi: 10.1007/s00464-011-1793-z. Epub 2011 Jun 14.

Efficacy of turmeric (curcumin) in pain and postoperative fatigue after laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled study.

Agarwal KA1Tripathi CDAgarwal BBSaluja S.


A double blind, randomized, placebo controlled study of the efficacy and safety of 5-Loxin for treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee.

Sengupta K1Alluri KVSatish ARMishra SGolakoti TSarma KVDey DRaychaudhuri SP.


Comparing analgesic effects of a topical herbal mixed medicine with salicylate in patients with knee osteoarthritis.

Zahmatkash M1Vafaeenasab MR.


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Thursday, 1 March 2018

Athletes No More Cramping With MegaMag Muscleze from FX

Athletes No More Cramping With MegaMag Muscleze from FX

MegaMag Muscleze from FX is a superior high strength magnesium powder designed to support muscle function and recovery post intense or prolonged exercise. Magnesium is mostly used by athletes and sports people for cramping but MegaMag Muscleze has many important roles including the support of muscle function, converting food to ATP (energy), reducing adrenal dysfunction and fatigue, normal functioning of your nervous system while also aiding electrolyte balance.

What causes cramping?

Continuous muscle overuse, high intensity exercise, dehydration, muscle strain or simply holding a position for a prolonged period can cause a muscle cramp. Although most muscle cramps are harmless, some may be related to an underlying medical condition, such as: Inadequate blood supply so always check longer-term issues with a medical professional.

How does MegaMag Muscleze support muscles and post-exercise recovery? – One scoop provides 672mg of malic acid and 240mg of magnesium. Malic Acid plays a very important role in energy production within each cell. Magnesium supports healthy muscle function, reduces tiredness and fatigue and supports energy-yielding metabolism. Magnesium also helps balance electrolytes which is essential for normal muscle contraction. An imbalance in electrolytes can result in cramps. The formula also contains B vitamins which also reduce fatigue and supports the body converting food to energy.

Who should take Magnesium? – Those who require support for muscle function, tiredness and fatigue and nervous system function may benefit from magnesium.Magnesium can be found in foods including green leafy vegetables, nut, seeds and whole grains. However modern farming methods have sadly meant a decline in the level of magnesium present in these foods.

Read some Pubmed studies!!!

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